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David Kraichy

Associate Professor

PhD (Business Administration ) (University of Manitoba) MSc (Industrial/Organizational Psychology) (University of Calgary) BA (Psychology) (University of Manitoba)

306-966-8013 kraichy@edwards.usask.ca

25 Campus Drive, Nutrien Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, SK, S7N 5A7


Dr. Kraichy’s research focuses on understanding how organizations identify, develop, and retain their high potential and talented employees. David is currently investigating managers’ reasons for hindering their talented employees’ internal promotion opportunities, and how talented employees respond to these managerial actions. His research has been published in various outlets such as the Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business and Psychology, and Personnel Psychology.


COMM 211: Human Resource Management

COMM 348: Leadership

Recent Publications

Kraichy, D., & Walsh, M. M. (2021). Hindering talented employees’ internal mobility: Managers’ territorial response to stress. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(1), 76-89. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMP-02-2021-0054

Field, J. G., Bosco, F. A., Kraichy, D., Uggerslev, K. L, & Geiger, M. K. (2021). More alike than different? A comparison of variance explained by cross-cultural models. Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 1797-1817. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41267-021-00428-z

Kraichy, D., & Uggerslev K. (2021). Automated leadership assessments: Is assessing complexity an option? Journal of Constructivist Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/10720537.2021.1883489

Kraichy, D., & Schmidt, J. (2020). Collective turnover: Organization design and processes or contagion effects? Employee Relations, 42(2), 492-506. https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-01-2019-0055

Cadigan, F., Kraichy, D., Uggerslev, K., Martin, K., & Fassina, N. (2019). Preferences for performance versus potential in promotion recommendations. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 37(2), 180-192. https://doi.org/10.1002/cjas.1531

Kraichy, D., & Chapman, D. S. (2014). Tailoring web-based recruiting messages: Individual differences in the persuasiveness of affective and cognitive messages. Journal of Business and Psychology, 29(2), 253-268. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-013-9311-z

Uggerslev, K. L., Fassina, N. E., & Kraichy, D. (2012). Recruiting through the stages: A metaanalytic test of predictors of applicant attraction at different stages of the recruiting process. Personnel Psychology, 65(3), 597-660. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744- 6570.2012.01254.x