Nathalie Johnstone

Associate Professor (AP)

FCPA (CPA Saskatchewan) FCA (CPA Saskatchewan) MPAcc (University of Saskatchewan) B.Comm (University of Saskatchewan)


25 Campus Drive, Nutrien Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, SK, S7N 5A7


Nathalie Johnstone, FCPA, FCA, MPAcc, joined the University of Saskatchewan as a term instructor in 2005.  In 2011, Nathalie’s became a tenured-track faculty member.  Her teaching focus is taxation and advanced financial accounting. Recent publications include publications in Accounting Perspective (accepted and in the editorial process), Issues in Accounting Education, IVEY cases and several cases in a Wiley casebook.  She is currently working on co-authoring the Introduction to Federal Taxation in Canada, 37th edition.  

Nathalie volunteers as the coach for the tax team in JDC West and recently became the faculty advisor for the entire JDC West team.  She is the coordinator for the N. Murray Edwards School of Business Volunteer Tax program. The program coordinates the preparation of tax returns, by accounting students, for low-income individuals in Saskatoon.  Nathalie is involved in the development of material for the CPA Pep program and is currently acting as the CPA Western School of Business Lead Tax facilitator for the tax elective (in Western Canada).  Nathalie has been a council member for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Saskatchewan as well as a member of the conduct review committee.  ​


  • COMM 406 – Liability for Tax and Computation of Net Income
  • COMM 433 – Accounting for Equity Interests
  • MPAcc 826 – Taxation II
  • MPAcc 823 – Financial Reporting II

Recent Publications

  • The IFRS Transition and Accounting Education: A Canadian Perspective Post-Transition. Sandy R. Hilton and Nathalie Johnstone, Issues in Accounting Education 2013 28:2, 253-261
  • Second Round Electronics: A Case for Critical Thinking Nathalie Johnstone, Brandy Mackintosh, and Fred Phillips, Issues in Accounting Education 2013 28:4, 983-1007
  • Smith Family Financial Plan (A) and related teaching notes Brian Lane and Nathalie Johnstone. Ivey Publishing. Product Number 9B13N005 and 9B13N006
  • Smith Family Financial Plan (B) and related teaching notes Brian Lane and Nathalie Johnstone. Ivey Publishing. Product Number 9B13N006
  • F. Phillips, N. Johnstone, and B. Mackintosh. 2011. “A Good Story: A Commentary on “Contextualizing the Intermediate Financial Accounting Courses in the Global Financial Crisis,” Accounting Education: an international journal 20 (October): 515-519.