Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.) Transfer Agreements

Dorset College

Students who complete the Business Studies program at Vancouver's Dorset College can directly transfer 30 credits in the Bachelor of Commerce (B. Comm.) program at the Edwards School of Business. 

This agreement is between Dorset College and the Edwards School of Business; students entering other USask colleges will be assessed for transfer credit on a course-for-course basis. Students must complete the entire certificate/diploma at Dorset College to be eligible for block transfer credit (open to graduates of the Dorset Business Studies program in 2018 or later). Those who do not complete the entire program will be assessed for transfer credit on a course-for-course basis. Those students who begin their studies in Edwards and subsequently transfer to another USask college may lose credit for courses awarded through the block transfer.   The agreement below was signed in 2021 and applies to students who completed the curriculum in place at the time of signing.

Admission Requirements

  • Must meet minimum transfer average
  • Apply for admission no later than May 1 to start in September

Lakeland College

Lakeland College graduates of the two year business diploma in Accounting, General Business or Small Business & Entrepreneurship can transfer two years toward the four-year Bachelor of Commerce degree offered through Edwards (open to graduates of the Lakeland Business Diploma program in 2017 or later).  The agreement below was signed in November 2022 and applies to students who completed the curriculum in place at the time of signing.  For students who graduated prior to this signed agreement please speak to an academic advisor:

This agreement is between Lakeland College and the Edwards School of Business; students entering other USask colleges will be assessed for transfer credit on a course-for-course basis. Students must complete the entire certificate/diploma at Lakeland College to be eligible for block transfer credit. Those who do not complete the entire program will be assessed for transfer credit on a course-for-course basis. Those students who begin their studies in Edwards and subsequently transfer to another USask college may lose credit for courses awarded through the block transfer.  

Admission Requirements

  • Must meet minimum transfer average and math requirement
  • Apply for admission no later than May 1 to start in September or December 1 to start in January

Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technology (SIIT)

SIIT graduates of the 1-year business certificate or 2-year business diploma in Business Administration can transfer 30 credits or 60 credits, respectively, into the B.Comm. program at Edwards (open to graduates of the SIIT Certificate and Diploma programs in 2014 or later). The agreement below was signed October of 2022 and applies to students who completed the curriculum in place at the time of signing.  For students who graduated prior to this signed agreement please speak to an academic advisor:

This agreement is between SIIT and the Edwards School of Business; students entering other USask colleges will be assessed for transfer credit on a course-for-course basis. Students must complete the entire certificate/diploma at SIIT to be eligible for block transfer credit. Those who do not complete the entire program will be assessed for transfer credit on a course-for-course basis. Those students who begin their studies in Edwards and subsequently transfer to another USask college may lose credit for courses awarded through the block transfer.  

Admission Requirements

  • Minimum 70% average and must meet minimum transfer average
  • Apply for admission no later than May 1 to start in September or December 1 to start in January

Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Sask Polytech graduates of the one-year business certificate or two-year business diploma in Accounting, Human Resources, Management or Marketing can transfer 30 credits or 60 credits, respectively, into the B.Comm. program at Edwards. This agreement was signed in 2022 and applies to applicants who graduated from Sask Polytechnic in 2022 onward.  For students who graduated prior to this signed agreement please speak to an academic advisor:

This agreement is between Sask Polytech and the Edwards School of Business; students entering other USask colleges will be assessed for transfer credit on a course-for-course basis. Students must complete the entire certificate/diploma at Sask Polytech to be eligible for block transfer credit. Those who do not complete the entire program will be assessed for transfer credit on a course-for-course basis. Those students who begin their studies in Edwards and subsequently transfer to another USask college may lose credit for courses awarded through the block transfer.  

Admission Requirements

  • Must meet minimum transfer average
  • Completion of Foundations of Math 30, Pre-Calculus 30 or an equivalent course
  • Apply for admission no later than May 1 to start in September or December 1 to start in January


Do you have questions for us?

Students & Faculty Service Office
Edwards School of Business
University of Saskatchewan
Room 185, 25 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
S7N 5A7

Call Us 306-966-4785 Email Us