Edwards Research Awards, Chairs & Scholars


Chair and scholar positions are available in key areas of focus at the Edwards School of Business and the University of Saskatchewan. Edwards researchers have been successful in obtaining major research grants from the federal funding agencies including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) among a number of other external agencies and internal grants that provide research support. Edwards faculty members are also awarded for achievement at the school level for top tier journal publications and Dean's awards for emerging and outstanding scholars.

Edwards Scholars and Chairs

Enhancement Chairs in Business are awarded for research achievement and demonstrable leadership in a given field of business. The Chair program assists the Edwards School of Business in recruiting and retaining world-class faculty with business research and scholarship, who have made sustained contributions to their field at a national and international level. The Enhancement Chairs in Business are funded by the endowment from donor N. Murray Edwards. Chair-holders receive an annual salary stipend plus an annual research award.

Maureen Bourassa
Term: 2022-2025 (3 year)

Dr. Maureen Bourassa is an expert in studying the impact of respect in marketing relationships and has published in the top journals in the field. Her research has generated knowledge around the practical aspects of building respectful relationships within marketplace contexts (i.e., stakeholder relationships, business-to-consumer relationships, and business-to-business relationships) and speaks directly to several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Min Maung

Term: 2022-2025 (3 year)

Dr. Min Maung is an active researcher in the areas of international corporate finance, governance, and entrepreneurial finance, publishing a significant number of articles in highly-regarded academic journals. He is currently serving as Editor in Chief of the Advanced Business and Finance Journal and was recently awarded a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Devan Mescall
Term: 2022-2025 (3 year)

Dr. Devan Mescall is a globally recognized expert in taxation by academics, accounting professionals and policy makers. He has published impactful articles in the top journals in the field of Accounting and has written the leading textbook on taxation in Canada. Dr. Mescall has collaborated with Indigenous business leaders to research the taxation challenges of urban reserves. His research has received significant funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Hamed Samarghandi
Term: 2022-2025 (3 year)

Dr. Hamed Samarghandi has expertise in the area of operations research and optimization. His research studies practical problems in facility layout planning and optimization, scheduling optimization, supply chain management, health care planning and optimization, and lean construction and construction risk management. His research has consistently been published in the top journals in the field and has been funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.

Joseph Schmidt
Term: 2022-2025 (3 year)

Dr. Joe Schmidt is known internationally for his expertise in the effects of personality on workplace outcomes as well as strategic human resources. His research addresses practical problems as he collaborates with industry partners to analyze real world data sets. Dr. Schmidt's research has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and appears in the top journals in his field.

USask Chairs and fellows

Funded by Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) on behalf of the CRS, the network of FCL and more than 160 independent local co-operatives across Western Canada, the CRS Chair is based in the Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy. As part of its mandate, the chair position will support ambitious research and educational programming aimed at creating new ways of thinking about the unique governance model shared by co-operatives. Pohler holds a primary faculty appointment in the Edwards School of Business. 


Dionne Pohler
Term: 2021-2024 (4 year)

Dr. Dionne Pohler is an associate professor at the Edwards School of Business and the Co-operative Retailing System Chair (CRS) in Co-operative Governance at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy and the Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives. She is also a fellow at the University of Toronto Rotman Institute for Gender and the Economy, and one of the co-leads of a new signature research area at the University of Saskatchewan on Communities and Sustainability. Dr. Pohler has received several teaching awards, as well as four international awards for her research which covers topics in labour and employment; co-operative governance, development and strategy; rural issues; and public policy implementation. Dr. Pohler served as the vice-chair of an independent taskforce reviewing the federal Employment Equity Act in 2022. She was also one of the co-investigators on the Co-operative Innovation Project (2014-2016), which received a $1 million industry grant from the CRS, and led to the creation of Co-operatives First, a business development and community-building organization focused on working with rural and Indigenous communities to address needs identified by community members through the co-operative model. Dr. Pohler was a founding board member of Co-operatives First.

Research Grants

Tri-Agency Funding

External Funding

Internal Funding

Edwards Awards

Joseph Schmidt (2023-2024): “Identifying the structure of within-team variance in ratings of team constructs” Personnel Psychology.
Dev Mishra (2022-2023): "Patented Knowledge Capital and Implied Equity Risk Premium" Journal of Banking and Finance.
Han-Up Park (2022-2023): "Organizational constraints and outsourcing under demand uncertainty: Evidence from the Brazilian electricity distribution industry" Management Accounting Research.

Megan Walsh (2022-2023): "Good, bad and ugly leadership patterns: Implications for followers’ work-related and context-free outcomes" Journal of Management.

David Kraichy (2021-2022): “More alike than different? A comparison of variance explained by cross-cultural models” Journal of International Business Studies.

Devan Mescall (2021-2022): “Establishing an Urban Reserve—Property Tax Challenges and Opportunities” Canadian Tax Journal.

“Corporate income shifting in an era of tax multilateralism: The impact of exchange of tax information agreements” Canadian Tax Journal.

Hamed Samarghandi (2020-2021): “Word-Of-Mouth and Estimating Demand Based on Network Structure and Epidemic Models”, European Journal of Operational Research.

Maureen Bourassa (2020-2021): “Inferred Respect: A Critical Ingredient in Customer Satisfaction”, European Journal of Marketing.

Erica Carleton (2019-2020): "Indirect effects of obstructive sleep apnea treatments on work withdrawal: A quasi-experimental, treatment outcome study", Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

Hamed Samarghandi (2019-2020): “Regulating Patient Care in Walk-in Clinics”, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science.

 “Take-Back Regulation: Remanufacturing or Eco-design?”, International Journal of Production Economics.

Joe Schmidt (2019-2020): “Personality, Interview Performance, and the Mediating Role of Impression Management”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.

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If you would like more information about our research or faculty, please contact us!

Edwards Research
Edwards School of Business
University of Saskatchewan
25 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
S7N 5A7

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