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Edwards Research Publications

Forthcoming or recently published articles.


  • Research Articles

    Tajbakhsh, A., Nematollahi, M., Shamsi Zamenjani, A. (accepted). “Migration to the Quadruple Bottom Line Framework for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: The 4Ps of Sustainability,” Annals of Operations Research (ABDC-A). 


    Mosadegh Sedghy, B., Nematollahi, M., Tajbakhsh, A. (2024). “Market Dynamics Between Retail Channels and Short Food Supply Chains: A Case of Organic Fruits,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 79, 103775. (ABDC-A). 


    Nematollahi, M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Pazari, P. (2024). “Analytical Insights into Coordination and Competition in Dual-Channel Supply Chains: A Multi-Factor Dependent Demand Perspective,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 78, 103706. (ABDC-A). 


    Pohler, D., & Weinberg, B. (forthcoming) Status Quo Among Fragmentation and Consolidation: Public Dispute Resolution Agencies in Ontario, Canada. Industrial Relations Journal. (accepted June 30, 2023)


    Mirzaee, H., Samarghandi, H., Willoughby, K.A. (Accepted) “A Robust Optimization Model for Green Supplier Selection and Order Allocation in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Considering Cap-and-Trade Mechanism”, Expert Systems with Applications (May 6th, 2023)


     Swanson, L. & Leader, J. (2023). The case for using an intergenerational multi-methods approach in community-based research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22(1): 1-14.


    Schmidt, J., Dunlop, P.D., & O'Neill, T.A. (2023). Identifying the structure of within-team variance in ratings of team constructs, Personnel Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1111/peps.12609 

    Sheehan, N. T.Park, H., Richard C., Powers, Sarah, Keyes. (2023). Overseeing the dynamic materiality of ESG risks: The board’s role. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1111/jacf.12551 (ABDC-A, AJG-1)

    Dobni, C.B., and Wilson, G.A., (2023) “Measuring Cultural Readiness for Innovation: Six Essential Questions.” Journal of Business Strategy, https://doi.org/10.1108/JBS-09-2022-0168


    Dobni C.B., Wilson, G.A., (2023) “Redefining Business Strategy in a Post-pandemic World: Interviews with two CEOs.” Journal of the International Council for Small Business, Vol 4, Issue 2, 196-211


    Abdulah Mamun, Garrett Meier, and Craig Wilson, 2023. How do noninterest income activities affect bank holding company performance? Finance Research Letters 53, 103630. (Accepted January 4, 2023)


    Williams, D.E, and B. Willick, (2023) "Co-shopping and E-Commerce: Parent’s Strategies for Children’s Purchase Influence," Electronic Commerce Research.


    Peetz, David, Alison Preston, Scott Walsworth, and Johanna Weststar. 2023. "COVID-19 and the gender gap in research productivity: understanding the effect of having primary responsibility for the care of children." Studies in Higher Education: 1-12. ABDC: A.


    Robinson, Oral, Kara Somerville, and Scott Walsworth. 2023. "Building, negotiating and sustaining transnational social networks: Narratives of international students’ migration decisions in Canada." Global Networks. ABDC: A.


    Betermier, S., Schumacher, D., & Shahrad, A. (16 May 2023). Mutual Fund Proliferation and Entry Deterrence. The Review of Asset Pricing Studies, raad009.


    Nagel, Natasha, and Popa Sârghie, Monica (2023), “The Influence of Life Events on Young Consumers’ Compulsive Shopping Tendencies”, Journal of Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management, 1(2), 30-39.


    Samarghandi, H. & Banitalebi, Dehkordi B. (2023). Optimal selection of non-human actors

    affecting the accounting information system. Journal of Management Accounting and Auditing Knowledge, 12(47): 195-214.


    Samarghandi, H., Askarany, D. & Banitalebi, Dehkordi B. (2023). A Hybrid Method to

    Predict Human Action Actors in Accounting Information System. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(1):


    Boubakri, N., J-C. Cosset, D. Mishra, & H. Somé, 2023. The Value of Risk-taking in Mergers: Role of Ownership and Country Legal Institutions. Journal of Empirical Finance 70, 427- 444. (Accepted Dec 2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jempfin.2022.12.015 SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2817585


    Hegde, S. & D. Mishra, 2023. Patented Knowledge Capital and Implied Equity Risk Premium. Journal of Banking & Finance 148, 106738 (Accepted Nov 2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbankfin.2022.106738 SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2385062


    M. S. Mentzer, accepted and in press. Public Sector Corruption Among the United States: Exploring the Impact of Cultural Values. Business and Professional Ethics Journal. (Date of acceptance: February 6, 2023)


    Abdullah Mamun, 2023, Understanding growth and its policy implications for Canadian credit unions. International Review of Economics and Finance, 86, pp. 652-665.


    Gill, A., Mand, H.S., Obradovich, J., & Dadhwal, S. (2023). Impact of CEO duality and business education on the cost of debt. International Journal of Corporate Governance (InderScience Publishing). (ABDC-B)


    Gill, A., Mand, H.S., Bhullar, P., & Biger, N. (forthcoming). Impact of social capital on information asymmetry and bank financing. International Journal of Business and Economics (Publisher: Feng Chia University). (ABDC-B)


    Gill, A., Obradovich, J., Dana, L.P., & Mathur, N. (2023). Religious capital and information technology investment. International Journal of Electronic Finance (InderScience Publishing). (ABDC-C)


    Case, T. (2023), "Opportunity mapping: locating the upside of risk through visual mapping", Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 51 No. 4, p.19-26.


    Wilson, G.A., Case, T., Dobni, C.B., (2023), “A global study of innovation-oriented firms: Dimensions, practices, and performance”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 187 No. 9, p.122257.


  • Books, Book Chapters and Textbooks

    Book Chapters

    Pohler, D., Budney, J., Fulton, M., Overland, D., Marshall, A., Pewapisconias, T., White, K. (2023). Co-operative Development Possibilities in Rural Settler and Indigenous Communities: Lessons from the Co-operative Innovation Project and Co-operatives First, 217-248. In C. Banack and D. Pohler (Eds.) Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Canada. University of Alberta Press.

    Banack, C., & Pohler, D. (2023). Introduction, xi-xxxiv. In C. Banack and D. Pohler (Eds.) Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Canada. University of Alberta Press.

    Banack, C., & Pohler, D. (2023). Conclusion, 291-299. In C. Banack and D. Pohler (Eds.) Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Canada. University of Alberta Press.


    Swanson, L. & Wilson, G. (January 2023). Entrepreneurship, Innovation, & Technology Management (2nd Edition). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.




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