Research Resources

The Edwards School of Business has a number of research resources from technology tools such as databases and software and internal research funding opportunities to one-on-one mentorship and support for research grant development and templates, guides and tools to assist with applications and proposals. 

Edwards Research Fund

Through the Edwards Research Committee, we offer researchers internal funding opportunities that are intended to facilitate research and scholarly activity amongst faculty as well as research dissemination by graduate students aimed at enhancing the reputation of the Edwards School of Business.

Grant Categories:

There are four grant opportunities and one award, including:

  • Top Tier Journal Award 
  • Seed Grant
  • Research Completion Grant
  • Connections Grant
  • Dissemination Grant
    • Graduate Student Travel Award

The graduate student travel award falls under our dissemination grants and it has a separate form with specific guidelines.

Important Dates
The application deadlines for all funding awards are May 31, October 1, and January 31 (or the next business day when these dates occur on a weekend).

To access guidelines and application forms, please access via PAWS here under "Research Resources." 

Grant Development Resources

Connect with our Edwards Research Facilitator

Our Research Facilitator at Edwards works closely with researchers to enhance the quality of proposals aimed at achieving funding success and improve research impact. This work is primarily focused on pre-award support and mentorship of faculty members in facilitating the grant application process from conception to completion with the intended goal of saving researchers time and add value to their programs of research. The promotion and communication of research, analysis of key metrics and research administration also fall under this role. 

Research Technology Resources and Computing

Edwards School of Business provides a state-of-the-art research computing environment with access to high quality research databases and software applications for faculty, students, and researchers. From case studies to published works, researchers need access to the best tools and data that we can provide. Detailed information about access the research technology resources can be found on PAWS on our Edwards Staff and Faculty page, under Research Resources. Below is an overview of database resources we offer:

Data/System Name


ABI/INFORM Collection

Business collection includes articles from journals, magazines and newspapers (Wall Street Journal); business/economics dissertations, country profiles, Business Monitor and First Research market research reports etc. 

Business Source Elite

A full text database of business publications dating back to 1985. Features company profiles from Datamonitor. Updated daily. Also searches Regional Business News, which provides full text coverage for regional business publications from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.

CCH Online Federal and GST All Provinces

CCH Online - Federal and GST All Provinces is a resource for tax and accounting professionals who are looking for immediate access to accurate answers in one place. Includes topic overviews, analysis, primary sources and interactive tools.

CRSP 1925 US Stock Database @ CHASS

A pricing data resource produced, and updated quarterly, by the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP), Graduate School of Business, The University of Chicago. The database includes NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq daily and monthly securities price information and other historical information for over 20,000 companies from 1925 (monthly data) and 1925 (daily data) through to the previous calandar year. The University of Saskatchewan subscribes to the daily tables data only.


An expanded version of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) indexes of journals, books and dissertations, EconLit covers both economic theory and application


United States and Canadian industry reports organized by NAICS codes; plus specialized US small business market research reports which are very relevant to Canadian entrepreneurs.


Global coverage of more than 60 m companies with descriptive and financial information, basic and expert search functionality, a global standard report format, and analysis modules.

Passport (GMID)

Market research reports with focus upon global/ national consumer markets. Also includes company profiles (emphasis upon products not financial fundamentals) and economic data.

SAGE Business Cases

SAGE Business Cases is a robust digital collection of business cases tailored to academic needs – providing faculty, students and researchers with unlimited access to more than 3,650 authoritative cases from over 100 countries. SAGE curates interdisciplinary cases on in-demand subjects such as entrepreneurship, accounting, healthcare management, leadership, social enterprise, and more.

SAGE Research Methods

SAGE Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. SAGE Research Methods has resources such as a quick dictionary definition, a case study example from a researcher in the field, a downloadable teaching dataset, a full-text title from the Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series, or a video tutorial showing research in action.


A web-based mapping, analytics and data visualization program providing demographic information including census data (2006-2016), household spending data on hundreds of goods and services, and over 1.3 million Canadian business profiles from Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). 


Statista consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources.


By measuring key attitudes and behaviours of Canadians, and unearthing rich, current data, Vividata provides you with thorough cross-media and consumer research, and definitive consumer segments.

WRDS - Refinitiv - 13F

Institutional Common Stock Holdings and Transactions, as reported on Form 13F filed with the SEC by institutional managers with $100 million or more in Assets Under Management.

WRDS - Refinitiv - Datastream

Analyze global macroeconomic data to get the complete picture on virtually any macro environment, better understand economic cycles to uncover trends and forecast market conditions.

WRDS - Refinitiv - IBES

Best of Breed Global Database on Earnings Estimates covering over 5800+ US Companies, 12,400 International Companies, unrivaled history dating back to 1976.

WRDS - RepRisk AG

Only ESG research provider to leverage advanced machine learning together with highly trained analysts.


MSCI ESG Ratings and MSCI Indexes into their security selection and portfolio construction processes, stress testing, and risk and performance attribution analysis.


Compustat Fundamentals provides standardized North American and global financial statement and market data for over 80,000 active and inactive publicly traded companies that financial professionals have relied on for over 50 years