
Program Overview

This program, formerly called Leadership Essentials for Supervisors, equips emerging leaders with foundational skills to enhance their effectiveness. It's ideal for those overseeing small teams or preparing for future leadership. Participants will practice hands-on skills and strategies relevant to their work as leaders, culminating in a solid foundation of leadership expertise. By the end, they'll be confident and competent leaders, inspiring their teams towards success.

  • Key Learning Objectives

    By participating in this program, you should be able to:

    • Assess your leadership approaches, skills, and styles.  
    • Effectively communicate, delegate, and ensure accountability. 
    • Align your accountability to your organization’s overall business strategy and people management expectations. 
    • Enhance the performance of you and your team though the lenses of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and psychological safety​. 
    • Implement time management, productivity, and work-life balance strategies.  
    • Apply performance management skills to get the most out of your team.  
    • Plan for recruiting and building your team by considering your goals, duties, and responsibilities.  
    • Identify and interpret your responsibilities under the Saskatchewan Employment Act and other relevant legislation.
  • Who Should Attend
    • Front-line to mid-managers 
    • Those who are moving from peer to supervisor roles
    • Those who are interested in pursuing a leadership role
    • Those who would benefit from refreshing their leadership skills
    • New and emerging leaders who want to develop their foundational toolbox
  • What Is Included
    • All learning materials provided digitally through Canvas 
    • Certificate of Completion
    • Credential to add to your CV and LinkedIn Profile
    • DiSC Workplace self-assessment and report
    • DiSC Agile EQ self-assessment and report
    • 19.5 CPHR Saskatchewan Continued Professional Development (CPD) hours

Funding Available

Check out the funding opportunities available through the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant.


December In-Person

Date: December 11, 2024 - December 13, 2024

Fees: $2495 plus Taxes

Registration Deadline: November 6, 2024

Location: MacKenzie Art Gallery - Regina

Program Schedule

Day 1: Dec 11

Day 2: Dec 12

Day 3: Dec 13

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM CST

More Information

In-person delivery occurs at MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina with all learning materials provided digitally on Canvas. In-person delivery includes instructor facilitation, small group exercises, large group discussions, interactive learning, networking and ample breaks and opportunities for questions and discussions. Participants will be required to bring a laptop/digital device to access all learning materials during the program. Breakfast, lunch, and refreshments will be provided.

Register for December In-Person

Course Planner

For more information, contact

Rebecca Schweighardt
Manager, Open Enrolment
Email Me

Instructor Profile


Brent Pederson, MEd, CPHR

Brent Pederson is a trusted talent advisor with 15 years of experience in 2 global consulting firms, has worked in 8 countries, is consistently a top-rated consultant, workshop facilitator, conference presenter, and regularly publishes articles. He previously spent 15 years in the energy sector with 10 of those years in a direct leadership role. Brent primarily consults in the sectors of mining, oil & gas, financial services, and the public sector, specializing in the areas of leadership assessment & development, coaching, performance management, succession planning, organization design, leading change, and innovation

Brent holds a Master’s of Education degree (University of Regina) and Certificates in Power Engineering (SAIT), Organization Design (USC), Adult Education (St. Francis Xavier), and HR Management (Queens).

His certifications/designations include: Executive Coaching, Change Management, the MBTI™, the Six Thinking Hats™, and CPHR.

 Rick Reid

Rick Reid, BComm, CPHR 

Rick Reid is a human resources professional with twenty years of experience in a variety of strategic advisory and leadership positions in both public and private sector organizations. Currently a member of the human resources team at the University of Saskatchewan and working with the Edwards School of Business, Rick has a Bachelor of Commerce from Edwards, holds a CPHR designation, and has recently become a Certified Leadership Coach. 

Rick’s career has primarily focused in the areas of employee and labour relations, talent acquisition, and employee learning and development. He has extensive experience in conducting workplace investigations, conflict resolution, performance management, and leading organizational HR change initiatives. While in leadership positions, Rick has valued opportunities to coach, mentor, and support the growth and professional development of individuals, while working together towards building cohesive, high performing teams. Rick enjoys working with leaders and their teams on the development and execution of their strategic plans, developing strategic human resources programs that help support and drive organizational priorities, facilitating employee training and development activities, and supporting leaders and employees in both creating and working towards their career development goals. 

Offer This Program In-House

Interested in bringing this program to your organization or team within your organization? Fill out our Online Needs Assessment form and show your interest in bringing this program in-house or customized based on your needs.

Cancellation Policy

For information regarding our cancellation and refund policy please visit our terms and conditions.

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