
Papers, Publications and Presentations

(All sole-authored unless otherwise noted)

Publications in Books, Major Reports, etc.

(The above report is extensively cited in what in US legal circles is generically referred to as "The MacCrate Report", otherwise described as follows: Preserving the Core Values of the American Legal Profession: The Place of Multidisciplinary Practice In the Law Governing Lawyers, Report of the New York State Bar Association Special Committee on the Law Governing Firm Structure and Operation, Albany, New York, April 2000, 408 pp.)

Other documents produced for CGA Canada as part of the Initiative 21 Strategic Planning Process include:

(The above case study is the only non-Harvard case to ever appear in this standard Harvard case book. It was included in the book because it provides one of the biggest ever examples of one of Porter's five forces -- the threat of substitution of the Channel ferry industry by the Channel Tunnel. The case demonstrates the consequences of following the logical strategic response to this threat, diversification into other industries, without a corresponding sense of moral obligation to continue to maintain minimum standards of safety in the threatened core business.)

Journal Articles

(The above article is a seminal article on the dynamic characteristics of bus and elevator transport systems. It is frequently used in graduate-level classes in transportation engineering and design.)

Conference Papers

Book Reviews

Case Studies
All published by the author unless otherwise noted

The above 2 cases were combined and revised, and published as: