Papers, Publications and Presentations
(All sole-authored unless otherwise noted)
Publications in Books, Major Reports, etc.
- "The Structural Origins of Conflicts of Interest in the Accounting Profession" in T. Beauchamp, N. E. Bowie and D. G. Arnold, eds. Ethical Theory and Business, 9th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2009.
- "Auditing disaster waiting to happen", The National Post, page FP7 of the Financial Post section, Saturday January 19th, 2002. 1,309 words
- The Break-Up of The Big 5: A Postscript to "The Evolution of the Accounting Profession", a follow-up report prepared for the CGA Task Force on the Future of the Profession, March 23, 2000, 16pp
- The Evolution of the Accounting Profession, a report prepared for the CGA Task Force on the Future of the Profession, January 18, 2000, 56pp
- The Transformation of the Accounting Profession: The History Behind the Big 5 Accounting Firms Diversifying into Law,a report prepared for The International Practice of Law Committee on Multi-Disciplinary Practices and the Legal Profession, Canadian Bar Association, May 1999, 55pp
(The above report is extensively cited in what in US legal circles is generically referred to as "The MacCrate Report", otherwise described as follows: Preserving the Core Values of the American Legal Profession: The Place of Multidisciplinary Practice In the Law Governing Lawyers, Report of the New York State Bar Association Special Committee on the Law Governing Firm Structure and Operation, Albany, New York, April 2000, 408 pp.)
- "Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilities", in J. Pliniussen & L. Wilson, Introduction To Canadian Business & Management, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1997
- "Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation (A)", in H. Schroeder, Cases in Business Policy, Nelson, 1996
- "The Newgrade Energy Co-op Upgrader", in H. Schroeder, Cases in Business Policy, Nelson, 1996
- "Canadian Tire (A) & (B)", in H. Schroeder, Cases in Business Policy, Nelson, 1996
- Initiative 21: Final Recommendations for the Future Strategy of the Education Programme of the Certified General Accountants of Canada, CGA Canada, June 1995, 26pp.
Other documents produced for CGA Canada as part of the Initiative 21 Strategic Planning Process include:
- Initiative 21: Synopsis and Final Report, CGA Canada, January 1995, 48pp.;
- The Future Role of the Accountant, CGA Canada, October 1994, 59pp.;
- B.Korthuis, L.Brown and C.W.Boyd, Primary Data Collection - Report on CGA Focus Groups, October 1994, 26pp.
- "The Irresponsible Management of Risk", in J. Ansell and F Wharton (Eds.), Risk: Analysis, Assessment, Management, J. Wiley and Sons: London, 1992
- "Ethical Issues Arising From the London Underground King's Cross Fire", in J. Mahoney and E. Vallance (Eds), Business Ethics in a New Europe, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992
- "The Zeebrugge Car Ferry Disaster (A)", in J. L. Bower, C. A. Bartlett, C. R. Christensen, A. E. Pearson, and K. R. Andrews, Business Policy: Text and Cases, Irwin, 7th Edition, 1991.
(The above case study is the only non-Harvard case to ever appear in this standard Harvard case book. It was included in the book because it provides one of the biggest ever examples of one of Porter's five forces -- the threat of substitution of the Channel ferry industry by the Channel Tunnel. The case demonstrates the consequences of following the logical strategic response to this threat, diversification into other industries, without a corresponding sense of moral obligation to continue to maintain minimum standards of safety in the threatened core business.)
- "The Zeebrugge Car Ferry Disaster (A)", in F. Luthans, R. M. Hodgetts, and K. R. Thompson, Social Issues in Business: Strategic and Public Policy Perspectives, Macmillan, 6th Edition, 1991
- "The Zeebrugge Car Ferry Disaster (A)", in F. Bird and J. Gandz, Good Management: Business Ethics in Action, Prentice Hall, 1991
- "The Zeebrugge Car Ferry Disaster (A)", in W. C. Frederick, K. Davies and J. E. Post, Business and Society: Corporate Strategy, Public Policy, Ethics, McGraw Hill, 7th Edition, 1992.
- "The Zeebrugge Car Ferry Disaster (A)", in J. M. Higgins and J. W. Vineze, Strategic Management: Text and Cases, Dryden, 5th Edition, 1992.
- "Canadian Tire Corporation (A) & (B)" in L. L. Byars, Strategic Management: Formulation and Implementation, Harper Collins, 3rd Edition, 1991
- "Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilities", in L. Allen et al, An Introduction To Canadian Business, McGraw-Hill, 1990
- "Ethical Issues Arising From the Zeebrugge Car Ferry Disaster", in G. Enderle, B. Almond and A. Argandoña (Eds), People in Corporations: Ethical Responsibilities and Corporate Effectiveness, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990
- "The Comparative Efficiency of State-Owned Enterprise", in: A. R. Negandhi, H. Thomas and K. L. K. Rao (Eds), Multi-National Corporations and State-Owned Enterprise, J.A.I. Press, Greenwich, Conn., 1986, p. 179 -194
- Managerial Aspects of Co-operatives: A Bibliography, Centre for the Study of Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan, June 1985. 600 references.Subsequently revised and updated, and published as: L. Hammond-Ketilson, B. Korthuis, and C. W. Boyd, The Management of Cooperatives: A Bibliography, Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan, March 1987, 137 pp.
- Start-Up Your Own Business, a teaching package consisting of 5 text booklets, 4 video-cassettes and 4 audio cassettes, The Open University Business School, Milton Keynes, England, 1984.
- The Operation of Urban Bus Routes: System Dynamics, Costs and Benefits, Ph.D. Thesis, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Bedford, England, 1979.
Journal Articles
- “The Nestlé Infant Formula Controversy and a Strange Web of Subsequent Business Scandals”, Journal of Business Ethics, 2012, 106, 3, 283-293, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-011-0995-6
- "The Debate over the Prohibition of Romance in the Workplace." Journal of Business Ethics, 2010, 97, 2, 325–338, DOI 10.1007/s10551-010-0512-3
- "The Structural Origins of Conflicts of Interest in the Accounting Profession." Business Ethics Quarterly, 14, 3, July 2004, 377-398. (A special edition of the journal devoted to Accounting Ethics). This paper was named by the UK-based organization Emerald Management Reviews as one of the top 50 management journal articles published in 2004.
- "Business Ethics in Canada: A Personal View" Journal of Business Ethics, 16, 6, April 1997, 605-609
- "Ethics and Corporate Governance: The Issues Raised by the Cadbury Report in the United Kingdom." Journal of Business Ethics, 15, 2, February 1996, 167-182
- J. Karwacki and C.W. Boyd, "The Ethics of Ecotourism", Business Ethics: A European Review, 4, 4, October 1995, 225-232
- Boyd C.W., C. Martini, J.Rickard, and A. Russell "A Simple Model of Fare Evasion and Non-Compliance", Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 23, 2, May 1989, 189-97
- "The Enforcement of Tax Compliance: Some Theoretical Issues", Canadian Tax Journal, 34, 3, May-June 1986, 588-99
- "Alpha-Numeric Brand Names", Journal of Advertising Research, 25, 5, Oct.-Nov. 1985, 48-52
- "The Theoretical Dynamics of Intermittent Public Passenger Transportation Systems", Transportation Research, 15A, 5, 1983, 347-54
(The above article is a seminal article on the dynamic characteristics of bus and elevator transport systems. It is frequently used in graduate-level classes in transportation engineering and design.)
- "The Impact of Reduced Service Quality on Demand for Bus Travel", Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, XV, 2, May 1981, 167-77
- "Cost Savings from One-Man Operation of Buses", Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, XV, 1, January 1981, 59-66
- "A Comment on ‘The Optimum Spacing of Bus Stops'", Traffic Engineering and Control, 18, 1, Jan 1977
Conference Papers
- C. W. Boyd and F. Lamm, "The Health and Safety of Aircrew: A Critique of the National and International Debates", 10th Conference on Labour, Employment & Work, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, November 21-22, 2002
- "Multi-Disciplinary Partnerships: A Light at the End of the Tunnel, or a Train on the Tracks?", Canadian Bar Association Mid-Winter Meeting, Regina, SK., January 28th, 2000
- "The Ethical Education of Accounting Students", 3rd Laurier Conference on Business and Professional Ethics, Wilfrid Laurier University, Oct. 23rd, 1998
- "Reflections on the Body Corporate", The Body Project I: Incarnations, Inscriptions, Adhesions, Invasions, Bessborough Hotel, Saskatoon, September 20th, 1997
- "Business Ethics In Canada", Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Aug. 4-6, 1995
- A. Watkins and C.W. Boyd,"Strategic Alliances in the Automotive Industry", International Symposium on Globalization and Competitiveness, Institut Supérior d'Informatique Appliquée et de Management (ISIAM), Agadir, Morocco, May 8-11, 1995
- "Door Closure and Premature Departure Accidents in Ro-Ro Ferry Operations: Lessons from Airline and Rail Operations." Proceedings of the Conference on Changing Perceptions of Risk - The Implications for Management. Organized by The Risk and Hazard Management Research Group, Bolton Business School, England, Feb. 27 - March 1, 1994
- "Safety: Procedures or People? An Examination of BC Ferry's Accidents, August 10th - 14th, 1992", 1993 Conference on Risk and Crisis Management, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, August, 1993
- "From Flexibility to Rigidity: The Implications of Managing Ethical Conduct in High Reliability Organizations",1993 Symposium on Flexibility in Organization Design, University of Victoria, July 1993
- "Ethical Issues Arising from the London Underground King's Cross Fire", Fourth Conference of the European Business Ethics Network, Regents' College, London, September 1991
- "Three Examples of Criminal Charges of Corporate Manslaughter", Conference on Moral Philosophy in the Public Domain, University of British Columbia, June 1990
- "Ethical Issues Arising From the Zeebrugge Car Ferry Disaster", Second European Conference on Business Ethics, IESE Barcelona,Spain, September 1989
- J.Dart and C.W. Boyd "Verbal Ability and Grade Point Averages as Determinants of a Student's Success in the Job Hunt", Proceedings, Western Marketing Educators' Conference, Reno, Nevada, April 1985
- "The Comparative Performance of State-Owned Enterprise", Conference on the Global Reach of Public Enterprise, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 1982
- Boyd C.W. and J.Dart. "An Empirical Evaluation of the Effect of the Case Method on Verbal Communication Skills", Proceedings, ASAC Conference, Dalhousie University, Halifax, June 1981
Book Reviews
- "Stimulating Virtuous Architectural Practice": A Review of Architecture and Its Ethical Dilemmas by Nicholas Ray (Ed.), Building Research & Information, Volume 34, Issue 6, 596 - 599, 2006
- "The Last Straw': A Review of Final Accounting: Ambition, Greed and the Fall of Arthur Andersen by Barbara Ley Toffler with Jennifer Reingold" Business Ethics Quarterly, 14, 3, July 2004, 581-592. (A special edition of the journal devoted to Accounting Ethics) (6,500 words)
- "Disaster Management", a review of Global Disasters: Inquiries into Management Ethics, by Robert E. Allinson, Business Ethics: A European Review, 4, 3, July 1995, 186-188
- "Covenantal Ethics", a review of Good Intentions Aside: A Manager's Guide to Resolving Ethical Problems by Laura Nash, The Corporate Ethics Monitor, 3, 5, Sept-Oct 1992
- A review of A Passion for Excellence by Tom Peters and Nancy Austin, London Business School Journal, 10, 2, 1986
- A review of Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker, London Business School Journal, 10, 2, 1986
- A review of Making Strategy Work by Richard Hamermesh, London Business School Journal, 10, 3, 1986
Case Studies
All published by the author unless otherwise noted
- The National Outdoor Leadership School, 2pp., 1994 [Business Ethics] Newsletter of the Canadian Society for the Study of Pratical Ethics, Spring 1994, 7-8.
- The Zeebrugge Car Ferry Disaster (A), 18pp., 1988 [Business Ethics]
- The Zeebrugge Car Ferry Disaster (B), 2pp., 1988 [Business Ethics]
- The Zeebrugge Car Ferry Disaster (A) & (B) Teaching Note, 11pp., 1988/90 European Case Clearing House, Cranfield University, Bedford, England
- The Resignations of the President and CEO of Air Canada, 3pp., 1989 [Business Ethics]
- Federated Co-operatives Limited, 1982, 11pp., 1989 [Business Strategy]
- NewGrade Energy Inc., 9pp., 1989 [Strategy Implementation and Ethics]
The above 2 cases were combined and revised, and published as:
- The Newgrade Energy Co-op Upgrader, 13pp., 1992 [Implementation and Ethics]
- Canadian Tire (A), 5pp.,1989 [Strategy Formulation]
- Canadian Tire (B), 7pp., 1989 [Implementation and Ethics]
- Canadian Tire (A) & (B) Teaching Note, 8pp., 1989
- Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation (A), 3pp., 1990 [Business Ethics]
- Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation (B) 2pp., 1990 [Business Ethics]
- Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation (A) & (B) Teaching Note, 7pp., 1991 European Case Clearing House, Cranfield University, Bedford, England
- Dome Petroleum, 13 pp.,1990 [Strategy & Ethics]
- Principal Group (A), 10 pp., 1990 [Business Ethics]