Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.)


Welcome to Edwards

At the Edwards School of Business, we pride ourselves on being just the right size. We offer Saskatchewan’s best business students an AACSB-accredited education in a welcoming classroom environment. Our classes facilitate learning and interaction with faculty and other students. We are situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis, at the University of Saskatchewan main campus in Saskatoon, SK. Our campus and business communities provide social and professional activities business students crave.

The Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.) degree is a four-year direct-entry program. The first two years are dedicated to providing you with general business knowledge. You will take an introductory course in each of the major specializations (accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing and supply chain management) before selecting your major in the middle of year two.

As part of the Edwards advantage, you can add real-world, practical experience to your resumé through one of our many experiential learning courses. You can also get practical experience in your field of study with the Edwards Co-operative Education option through Edwards Career Services, which includes pre-placement workshops and a paid eight-month work placement in your third year. There is also a combined B.Comm./J.D. (Juris Doctor), an option that allows you to obtain both a business and a law degree in six years rather than the seven years needed to complete the degrees separately.

Edwards has a number of dedicated awards for new, first-time students, in addition to general USask scholarships, bursaries, and awards. In 2023, continuing Edwards students received over $1.67 million in scholarships and awards.

Join us today and experience all that Edwards has to offer! 



Mickayla Carlson and Lauren Aussant share their experiences as Indigenous students at Edwards School of Business. Mickayla is completing her Aboriginal Business Administration Certificate and Lauren is completing her Bachelor of Commerce in Management.

Discover why business is the right choice for you.


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Program Overview

During your time in Edwards, you will complete the curriculum below. These courses have been selected to give you the most impactful business education today, while allowing you to specialize in one of our six majors.


Edwards School of Business is excited to offer students the choice to specialize in one of six majors, including:

Get a Head Start

High school students (and those studying at a USask regional college) can now complete their first business class online. We offer COMM 101: Introduction to Business twice per academic year and high school students can receive dual credit for Introduction to Business 30L.

Apply for Admission

Join the business program when you're ready - we offer admission for Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.

Start Term Application Deadline International Deadline
Winter Dec 1 Sept 1
Spring Apr 1 Feb 1

May 1

Mar 1


May 1

May 1


Did you know? If you get your application in by Dec. 1 to start the following fall, you will be eligible to be considered for USask’s highest valued, Best and Brightest Entrance Scholarships. After submitting your application, you must fill out and submit the online application for Best and Brightest Scholarships by December 15. 

Don't meet our English language proficiency requirements? Consider applying for joint admission to the B.Comm. and the USask Language Centre's English for Academic Purposes program.

Students who take a year off from university and are in good standing1 when they leave can apply to return before August 15th each year and will be guaranteed admission back to the program. Apply through PAWS or complete a new application as a 'returning student'.

1 Students in the B.Comm. program are in good standing as long as they maintain a 60% or higher year average.

Transfer Credit

New students can transfer up to 60 credits of course work from another college or institution. In most cases, transfer credit is assessed on a course-by-course basis but Edwards also has block transfer credit agreements with programs from Dorset College, Lakeland College, Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT), and Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

Learn more

Money Matters

Tuition & Related Costs

One of the most frequent questions asked by students (and their parents) is "how much will first year cost?"

In 2024-25, first year domestic students will pay approximately $10,326.48 in tuition and fees. This estimate reflects a typical amount you could expect to pay in your first year if you enroll in a full course load, the maximum number of courses allowed (2024-25 Canadian dollar rates). Tuition will vary depending on the type and number of classes you take in a year.

Domestic International
Tuition $9,206.00 $44,557.04
University Student Fees $1,120.481 $1,120.481
Total Tuition and Fees $10,326.48 $45,677.52
Textbooks $1,500.00 $1,500.00
1 Includes Heath & Dental fee of $317.88 which has an opt-off option with proof of other coverage.

Additional information can be found at

Scholarships, Student Awards, and Bursaries

Students attending Edwards have access to a full range of funding through scholarships, awards and bursaries which recognize academic achievement, financial need, and leadership through extracurricular involvement. Through the generosity of alumni and friends, these scholarships, awards and bursaries amount to over $1.6 million annually ranging from $200 - $10,000 each.

We have a number of awards for new students that you can apply for. For detailed information please review all University of Saskatchewan Scholarships and Bursaries at


Do you have questions for us?

Prospective students receive one-on-one guidance on undergrad and certificate business programs, university services and referrals to other units on campus.

Please note: appointments are available in-person, over Zoom or by phone.

Students & Faculty Service Office
Edwards School of Business
University of Saskatchewan
Room 185, 25 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
S7N 5A7

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