Spotlight on Faculty Research
Our faculty are extensively involved in partnerships for research, teaching and community engagement. Visit the Edwards Research Portal at for more information.

Aloysius Newenham-Kahindi
Associate Professor,
Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour
Big questions:
How can we address complex institutional issues (e.g. grand challenges in developing countries) in novel and effective ways?
What is the role of institutional logics on foreign direct investments reputation, political risks and legitimacy in developing countries?
How can foreign direct investment and multinational corporations have an impact on the cycle of corruption in Africa?
Grant: 2019 Social Science and Humanity Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant
Recent award: ‘Best Paper Proceedings’, International Management Division, Academy of Management Conference 2018, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

David Zhang and Grant Wilson
Associate Professor (Zhang) and Lecturer (Wilson),
Management and Marketing
Big question:
Should retail pharmacies implement new health services? How do you increase health outcomes and profits?
Recent award: Best Paper Award, Wilson, G.A., Perepelkin, J., and Zhang, D.D. “The Role of Market Orientation and Expanded Service Implementation in Furthering Pharmacy Performance,” Healthcare Management Division, 2019 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.

Hal Elkins
Assistant Professor,
Big question:
How do financial and managerial accounting interact to influence manager decision-making, firm financial accounting disclosures, and firm financial performance? What is the potential informativeness of a required disclosure, how will this disclosure influence investors, and what are the challenges of auditing this disclosure?
Recent publication: Elkins, H., and Entwistle, G. (2018). A commentary on accounting standards and the disclosure problem: Exploring a way forward Journal of International Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation, 33.

Maureen Bourassa
Associate Professor,
Management & Marketing
Big question:
How can businesses, government, and communities best work together to solve complex and sometimes controversial societal problems? What needs to happen so that respect is a key aspect of relationships and interactions between stakeholders?
Recent award: Former Nutrien Enhancement Chair for Saskatchewan Enterprise, $25,000 (CAD), January 1, 2017 – June, 30, 2019
Grant: Deonandan, K., Bourassa, M., Berdahl, L., and Bell, S. July 2015 to June 2019). Establishing Social License: Women, Respect, and Stakeholder Engagement in the Nuclear Sector. $151,783 (CAD), plus partner contributions of $30,000 for a total of $181,783 (CAD). Fedoruk Centre for Nuclear Innovation.